Friday, March 4, 2011

So yeah... Better go to my Chaucer class now

So this is my blog.  I decided to start one because I have awesome and profound thoughts from time to time and I just know the world wants to hear them.
 Or at least I want them written down. That's the main point I guess...

Anyway, I don't really have anything profound at the moment. I just needed to start somewhere.  I probably should be reading some Canterbury Tales for my Chaucer class right now but I'm just so done with this term. I just want to pass my classes and get on with it.  Next term I will be done with all of my Spanish requirements.  I will definitely not be able to speak Spanish though. That didn't really bother me until I was thinking about It earlier today.   It would feel cool to be someone who spoke another language.  But, I guess you should learn another language for better reasons than just feeling cool.  It scares me to speak Spanish with people who actually speak Spanish.  I have the opportunity all the time at work and I don't because I'm afraid I would offend them or something which is probably ridiculous because I don't think I would be offended if I were in a foreign country and someone tried to speak English to me.  I would probably appreciate it. But alas, I am almost done with 2 years of Spanish and I know I will not speak it fluently, most likely ever.  If I wanted to, this would have been the time to learn but honestly I feel like its impossible to learn a language while taking so many other classes. I really feel like education is screwed up.  I mean, shoving so much information in 10 week classes for four years.  I doubt we actually retain much at all.  We spend all this money for the degree and that's what matters.  And that's lame too.  A degree just says you could afford to go to college and were competent enough to pass all your classes. I mean, I think I'm a smart person but I don't think my classes show that at all.  In fact I feel so spread thin by my two majors, my Spanish requirements, my choir class, work, church, family and friends that I barely feel like I'm giving enough in any area.  Instead of doing well on a few important things, I feel like I'm failing at most everything.  I don't feel great about my grades, I am an epic fail at home--my room looks like a mess and I never do my chores, I work only a couple days a week at work and I'm constantly trying to get people to take my shifts so I can do other things, I can't drive--it scares me and I know I'll have to figure it out eventually. And the most important thing in my life, God, I feel like I barely give any time to.  I mean I go to church and I'm a youth leader and I pray all the time but I rarely give God some of my personal time just to worship or get in the word.  And that should be my first priority probably. Although, I know a relationship with God is much like a relationship with anyone else and he understands when we get busy so its okay if we skip out on a night with him to study or something.  But honestly, life would probably be better if I skipped the studying to be with God.  It's not like I don't skip studying to be with my boyfriend or other friends so there's no excuse.

Anyway, I've definitely rambled. But I'm guessing that's mostly what this blog will be.
I have a choir concert tonight and I'm sure it will be fun but I'm never all that excited about something that takes up my Friday night. Next Friday I will be in a play called A Father's Choice.  I'm sure I'll be excited about that though.

So yeah...  Better go to my Chaucer class now

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